Scanning a Wax-up Bridge


The Mounting an Object on the Scanning Table within the Scanning Range step must be completed.

Consider using the Advanced Settings before scanning an object.

Wax-up bridge connectors must meet production constraints (verify with a caliper). The CAD software does not verify nor correct the connectors to have them meet production constraints.

The wax-up bridge must be at least 0.4mm in thickness to prevent holes in the scan data.

The wax-up bridge design should not have an overextended margin otherwise it may be rejected by production or outcome will be of poor quality.

Preparation must be clean otherwise scan quality will be altered.


  1. Setting-up the Scanner for Wax-up Bridge Scanning.
  2. Scanning the Underside of the Wax-up Bridge.
  3. Scanning the Wax-up Bridge Model.
    1. If you have a bite index, complete the Scanning the Bite Index procedure.
    2. If you have adjacent teeth, complete the Scanning Standard CAD Abutment Adjacent Teeth procedure.
  4. Scanning the Upper Side of the Wax-up Bridge.
  5. Wait for the execution of the Frame wax-up last (and automatic) task. Mesh matching and finalizing occur at this point. If the matching appears unsatisfactory, click on the last step of the scan list and then on Redo matching.
  6. Validating the Scan.
  7. Click Finish


A situation is created with the scan. The situation is sent to the NobelProcera Crown and Bridge module where the wax-up bridge can be designed.