Scanning a Wax-up Coping


The Mounting an Object on the Scanning Table within the Scanning Range step must be completed.

Consider using the Advanced Settings before scanning an object.


  1. From the Crown and Bridge section, click Wax-up.
  2. In the Situation Manager, select the tooth number of the preparation.
  3. In the Camera View, align the numbered blue circles over their corresponding unit.
  4. Click Scan.

    Scanning can take several minutes.

  5. Follow displayed instructions.

    Steps 6 and 7 can be completed while scanning is being carried out.

  6. From the Restoration List, select a material type and a shade for the restoration.
  7. Complete the information on patient, identifier, dentist and technician.
  8. When scanning is completed, from the Scan List, click Frame wax-up.
  9. Put the wax-up coping on the preparation.

    Make sure not to move the preparation.

  10. Click Scan.

    Consider Improvement Options before proceeding to the next step.

  11. Click Finish.


A situation is created with the scan. The situation is sent to the NobelProcera Crown and Bridge module where the wax-up coping can be designed.