To export the files that are needed for an in-lab milling device or printer (ordered products with the production method "in-lab milling"):
On the Orders list, select the order for the in-lab restoration. For a TempShell, select the calculated TempShell on the Cases
On the Order receipt, click Produce. On the Calculated Tempshell card, click the ellipsis icon and then select Produce.
Select the milling device or printer and click Select.
New devices can be registered on DTX Studio™ Go.
Select the folder where to export the production (milling/printing) files. Click Select folder.
The default milling/printing path is set in the milling settings.
The local production items, including .stl and structured .txt files, are exported. On the Order card Exported will be displayed in green. On the Activity tab of the details pane will be indicated when the files were exported.