Perform the Indicate locators step before you close the scan module. Otherwise, scan data will be lost and when you reopen the scan module you will no longer be able to indicate the locator positions. This wizard will also identify the implants.
On the Tasks panel, select Indicate locators and click Start.
Click on the locator that is located on the tooth number that is shown in red at the cursor.
Select the type of position locator and click Finish. The tooth number is now displayed in blue.
Repeat step 2 - 3 for every locator.
Drag the blue dots to reposition the locators. To remove a locator, click next to the locator in the list. To start all over again, click
Reindicate all locators
Click Finish.
The locators and implants are identified.
Replicas of the implants and the locators are added to the 3D scene. The locator replicas are shown in a distinct color, so they can be easily compared with the scanned locators.
An error is displayed if the implants are too close to each other or if the angle between the implants is too big for certain restoration types.